From imagination, dreams, and a vision of unity comes an exciting imprint from Blue Angel Publishing.
Mind, body,
spirit & planet
Breathe into sparkling depths, tantalising vistas and fresh wonder as you embrace all you wish to be, see and set free with Blue Gaia World Publishers. Dedicated to self-empowerment for mind, body, spirit and planet, this inspired publishing venture is set to explore new territories and reach a growing global audience steady in the founding principles that have supported the success of Blue Angel for over two decades. We believe that life on Earth is sacred, that we are one in spirit, and that love and illumination are accessible to all.
Creating the New World, together.
A Blue Angel Imprint
Blue Gaia is an evolving endeavour, so stay tuned. We are as intrigued as you are to see how our vision to create the new world unfolds. Blue Angel continues to illuminate hearts and minds through oracle and tarot cards, books and meditation albums. Together we are Creating the New World by Illuminating Hearts & Minds.
Our Vision
Embracing life, love and creativity and empowering the soul. We believe words and images can bring light, promote peace, raise hope and spark joy. We aim to inspire and empower through beauty, art, music and wisdom, and we invite creators, authors, musicians, healers, believers and dreamers everywhere, to join us.
Thank you
We give thanks to the hundreds, if not thousands, of natural therapists, writers, artists, metaphysical stores, counsellors, reiki practitioners, vibrational healers, mentors, teachers, yoga centres, intuitives, tarot and card readers, and everyone else who contributes to the network of light and love that circles our beautiful planet.