Out of the Chaos, Into Your Higher Plan
When chaos abounds, ethical and philosophical questions are bound to arise. We often return to the recurring themes of who we are, why we are here, and why the madness? Those questions are answered here, with wisdom from beyond, brought to you by ‘Blob’.

Rumi: Found in Translation
Speaking with Rassouli, Part 1. You have said that Rumi cannot be read with a rational or analytical mind. Do you have any advice on how best to read Rumi?

Rock your Body!
Lana Penrose, author of Conversations with Blob, has a chat with Blob about the importance of our bodies. What might Blob have to say about your body? It’s interesting. He’d likely first remind you that you are way more than your body.

Tired Body and Mind?
Feeling lazy, tired, frazzled or worn out? Life gets the better of all our bodies and minds from time to time.
Here’s a guided meditation to help you reignite your physical and mental mojo.

Making Friends With Your Emotions (Part 1)
Like me, I bet you’ve come across dozens of articles on how to deal with anxiety or anger, but not one on how to manage happiness. Why is that? Why is there this lopsided preference for some emotions over others? And what is the single most important thing you can do to become better with emotions?

Why Taking a Shower is THE Most Important Thing You’ve Done Today
Clinical psychologist and mindfulness expert Dr Richard Chambers shares how reclaiming your shower time can brighten up your whole day… and quality of life.

What To Do With a World Gone Mad?
In her wonderful book Conversations With Blob, author Lana Penrose enjoys witty, lighthearted dialogue with the character of Blob – an extraordinarily wise being with an intriguing and empowering take on the great questions of LIFE. Given the current chaos unfolding on our beautiful planet, Lana went directly to Blob for a little insight and advice…

Ahimsa - Love for All Beings
Ahimsa is typically discussed as non-violence or harmlessness, however, as Gandhi points out, this is only half of the story. Simply restraining the outer expression of violence and aggression is not sufficient. For if our mind is still swirling with anger, rage or hate we have not achieved a state of ahimsa.

Living the Change Documentary
Happen Films is celebrating its 7th birthday. As a gift to everyone, the good folk at Happen have made their feature-length documentary Living the Change available for free… forever!

Tristhana – The Art of Alignment.
We often hear the term ‘alignment’ referred to when we are on our yoga mats. We huff and puff and stretch and strain, striving to mimic the shape of the asana and achieve the mythical state of ‘correct’ alignment – the illusion of the ‘perfected’ posture. But what is ‘correct’ alignment anyway? What constitutes ‘perfection’ in the pose?

5 Common Mistakes Meditators Make
Most people new to meditation (and many with quite a few years, or even decades, of meditation under their belts), find themselves repeatedly struggling with certain aspects of the practice. With the right understanding, these struggles are largely avoidable.

2022: The Year of the Yang Water Tiger
The major themes of this (yang) year are abundance through harnessing our limitations. The alchemical symbol of the year is ‘the tiger crossing the forest’. Restraining evil is the function of water; raising the good is the action of wood/Tiger when they are ‘restrained’ by water. We need to consider what our ‘Heavenly Purpose’ is when making choices this year.

Want an Awesome Body?
Bodies get a bad rap. We push them, ignore them, override them, compare them, criticise them. Some fitness instructors would even have us declare war on them. Many spiritual traditions champion the transcendence of the physical body as the path to awakening. And yet the fact remains: nothing happens to us that our bodies aren’t a part of.

Vale Thích Nhất Hạnh
Vale Thích Nhất Hạnh. Renowned Buddhist monk, peace activist, author, teacher, poet and pioneer. Exiled from Vietnam in the 1960s for expressing opposition to the Vietnam war, Thích Nhất Hạnh went on to found the Plum Village Tradition and inspire the practice known as 'engaged Buddhism'.

Judgment vs Discernment
How can we tell the difference, and how to strike the balance? Yoga teaches us that we should aim to stop judging and instead start using discernment. When we use discernment instead of judgment, we act in a measured and balanced way rather than reacting emotionally.

Activate Your Body’s Healing Intelligence
Tune into your body to activate its healing processes with this simple meditation. You can focus on a specific area or your whole body. The exercise may be done daily to help you feel more empowered, confident and healthy.

2040 A Story of Hope
2040 is a hybrid feature documentary that looks to the future, but is vitally important now! This journey is the central premise for the documentary ‘2040’, a story of hope that looks at the very real possibility that humanity could reverse global warming and improve the lives of every living thing in the process. It is a positive vision of what ‘could be’, instead of the dystopian future we are so often presented.

Deck Review: Isis Oracle Pocket Edition
These messages from Goddess Isis – sacred priestess, initiate, magician and healer – will guide you on the path of spiritual self-mastery, helping you reactivate your own soul talents of healing, magic and more. Explore her powerful, practical teachings to help you navigate through the experiences and challenges in your daily life.

Meditation Myths
What you believe about meditation — your ideas about what is is, how it should be practised, what the goals of meditation are, and so on — will have a huge impact on how you go about it. In fact, these beliefs, whether you’re aware of them or not, will largely determine whether you find meditation an easy, enjoyable and rewarding practice, or whether you find it to be frustrating, pointless or even impossible.