Rock your Body!
Lana Penrose, author of Conversations with Blob, has a chat with Blob about the importance of our bodies. What might Blob have to say about your body? It’s interesting. He’d likely first remind you that you are way more than your body.

Tristhana – The Art of Alignment.
We often hear the term ‘alignment’ referred to when we are on our yoga mats. We huff and puff and stretch and strain, striving to mimic the shape of the asana and achieve the mythical state of ‘correct’ alignment – the illusion of the ‘perfected’ posture. But what is ‘correct’ alignment anyway? What constitutes ‘perfection’ in the pose?

Want an Awesome Body?
Bodies get a bad rap. We push them, ignore them, override them, compare them, criticise them. Some fitness instructors would even have us declare war on them. Many spiritual traditions champion the transcendence of the physical body as the path to awakening. And yet the fact remains: nothing happens to us that our bodies aren’t a part of.