5 Common Mistakes Meditators Make
Most people new to meditation (and many with quite a few years, or even decades, of meditation under their belts), find themselves repeatedly struggling with certain aspects of the practice. With the right understanding, these struggles are largely avoidable.

Judgment vs Discernment
How can we tell the difference, and how to strike the balance? Yoga teaches us that we should aim to stop judging and instead start using discernment. When we use discernment instead of judgment, we act in a measured and balanced way rather than reacting emotionally.

Meditation Myths
What you believe about meditation — your ideas about what is is, how it should be practised, what the goals of meditation are, and so on — will have a huge impact on how you go about it. In fact, these beliefs, whether you’re aware of them or not, will largely determine whether you find meditation an easy, enjoyable and rewarding practice, or whether you find it to be frustrating, pointless or even impossible.