Out of the Chaos, Into Your Higher Plan
When chaos abounds, ethical and philosophical questions are bound to arise. We often return to the recurring themes of who we are, why we are here, and why the madness? Those questions are answered here, with wisdom from beyond, brought to you by ‘Blob’.

Ahimsa - Love for All Beings
Ahimsa is typically discussed as non-violence or harmlessness, however, as Gandhi points out, this is only half of the story. Simply restraining the outer expression of violence and aggression is not sufficient. For if our mind is still swirling with anger, rage or hate we have not achieved a state of ahimsa.

Vale Thích Nhất Hạnh
Vale Thích Nhất Hạnh. Renowned Buddhist monk, peace activist, author, teacher, poet and pioneer. Exiled from Vietnam in the 1960s for expressing opposition to the Vietnam war, Thích Nhất Hạnh went on to found the Plum Village Tradition and inspire the practice known as 'engaged Buddhism'.

Meditation Myths
What you believe about meditation — your ideas about what is is, how it should be practised, what the goals of meditation are, and so on — will have a huge impact on how you go about it. In fact, these beliefs, whether you’re aware of them or not, will largely determine whether you find meditation an easy, enjoyable and rewarding practice, or whether you find it to be frustrating, pointless or even impossible.