Submission Guidelines
Thank you for your interest in publishing with Blue Gaia. As a publisher, our role is to design, produce, distribute and promote our titles to an audience of spiritually diverse souls across the globe. We accomplish this through our dedicated team of editors, artists and designers, as well as our ever-expanding global network of distributors, foreign language publishers and partners, some of which include Brumby Sunstate Books, U.S. Games Systems Inc., Llewellyn Worldwide, New Leaf Distribution, Editions Trédaniel (France), Akasha Books (NZ), Deep Books UK, Koppenhol (Netherlands), Zuidnederlandse (Belgium), Visionary Company (Japan) and more.
Prospective Authors
As the author/creator of a prospective Blue Gaia title, your role is to raise your profile and promote your publication. This could include:
Holding seminars, workshops and presentations in your area(s) of expertise
Writing and submitting articles to key magazines/journals in your field; radio and television interviews
Exposure through internet marketing: maintaining an effective website, writing a blog, keeping an email list and sending out regular newsletters, etc.
Obtaining endorsements of your work from well-known experts in the field
Doing book signings/talks in bookshops and other relevant organizations, at various festivals, conventions, etc.
As an author, you need to be able to express yourself clearly and effectively in writing. Before submitting your work, please consider whether it clearly communicates your message. You should edit your manuscript and have it proofread by someone other than yourself before submitting it to us to ensure it is mostly free of errors. The most successful publications are generally written in clear, non-technical language which is widely accessible. Poorly written or confusing manuscripts will not be considered for publication.
Blue Gaia Publishing
As the publisher, we are happy to help build your profile however we can, but the potential for your work to become and remain a bestselling title depends on your ability to put yourself out there and promote your work. Self-promotion is an essential part of being a Blue Gaia author.
Blue Gaia publishes in the following categories: self-help, inspiration, spirituality, magic, Wicca, tarot, oracle cards, astrology, personal growth, alternative therapies, healing, meditation, social issues and more.
We now only accept proposals online.
We are no longer able to accept hard copy submissions.
Please submit through our Blue Gaia website form
Please include the following in your proposal for publication:
Short outline of the proposal, including target audience (no more than two pages)
Synopsis of the work (one page or less)
Table of contents
2-3 sample chapters from the book
Sample illustrations/artwork/photographs (if applicable)
Author biography of up to 300 words
Card Decks
Short outline of the proposal, including target audience (no more than two pages)
Synopsis of the deck (one page or less)
Introduction to the guidebook that will accompany the cards
Five or more sample card messages
At least five sample illustrations/artwork/photographs. We prefer images to be without borders or additional design elements.
Optional extras to include with your submission:
A short market analysis of similar books/card sets highlighting how yours is different
Any endorsements the work has received by other authors/experts in the field
Promotion/marketing plans – how can you assist in the marketing and promotion of this publication? What promotional opportunities will you be able to take advantage of?
We wish you all the best on your publishing journey!